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Former Undergraduate Research Assistants at UM and Mtn. Lake Biological Station

William Straw in the Independent Studies Program. UM, 1990.

Roelof Irausquin, volunteer, UM, 1992-1993.

Yunny Na, volunteer, UM, 1992.

Jim Pippin, volunteer, UM, 1992.

Kathryn Oplinger, Undergraduate research assistant program (URAP), UM, 1993- 1996.

Alexis Rodhe, BOTN 211 volunteer, UM, 1993.

Jessica Wilson, volunteer in URAP Program UM, 1994-1995.

Tony Marketon, volunteer in URAP Program UM, 1994-1995.

Mary Jo Bogenschutz-Godwin, volunteer in URAP Program, UM, 1995.

Jake Hughes, volunteer in URAP Program, UM, 1995.

MaryAnne Gamao, College Park Scholar internship and URAP volunteer, 1995.

Niki Smith, College Park Scholar internship and URAP volunteer, 1995.

William Miller, volunteer in URAP program, 1995.

Esther Sleeth, College Work Study, 1995-1997.

Barbara Dominguez, volunteer in URAP program, 1995 - 1996; CWS 1996-1997.

Syed Ali , volunteer in URAP program, 1996.

Jayme Dawson, volunteer in URAP program, 1996.

Sin Kie Yeung, College Park Scholar internship and URAP volunteer, 1996.

Research Assistants 2002-2003: Lauren Bausel, Lee Meifang, Rebecca Russell. 

Research Assistants 2003-2004: Uchechukwu Amadi, Tara Bevard, Edmond Byrnes, Jenn Fien, Paul Goodman, Peter Machado, Saira Nisar , Jose L. Ortiz, Kevin Phongagsorn , Ellei Sephari, Casey Rice, Emily Uphoff, Yeo Jin Yoon, Jen Zerfass, Erika Wallace.

Edmond Byrnes, BIOL 399 Fall 2004: Independent 2 credit hour research project. Ph.D. Duke Univ. 2010.

Research Assistants 2004-2005: Emily Uphoff, Fang Xu, Juli Hause, Christian Brown, Veder Garcia, Debra Friedman, Susan Jackson, May Nguy, Naveeda Mahmood. 

Cynthia Chang, ENSP Honor’s thesis student with a Howard Hughes Fellowship, Summer 2003–Spring 2005. In Ph.D. program at Yale University.

Julie Cridland URAP, Fall 2005-Spring 2005. Currently a  Ph.D. student at Univ. of Calif., Irvine, Fall 2006.

Naveeda Mahmood, 2005 URAP and Independent undergraduate research project 3 credits, Fall 2005. 

Allison Hagerman Fall 2005, Undergraduate Research Assistant. 

Research Assistants Spring 2006: Azharul Haque and Joshua Pearl.

Research Assistants Fall 2006 and Spring 2007: Joshua Pearl, Roseline Boateng

William Storms Dwyer 2006-2007. Senior at Eleanor Roosevelt High School Research Practicum at Mountain Lake Biological Station and UM.


WELCOME! I am a Professor and Head of the Department of Natural Resource Management at South Dakota State University.

I am also Professor Emeritus at University of Maryland College Park in the Department of Biology. 

This is an Unofficial Website, which does not represent official views or opinions of any University that I have been affiliated with during my academic career.

I am a population biologist by training, thus my lab focuses on both the ecological and genetic factors responsible for a population’s persistence or demise. In this context the major theme in my lab is on the ecology and evolution of reproductive systems in nature. Topics we investigate include plant mating system evolution, plant-pollinator interactions including both pollinators and herbivores, demography of populations, and the role inbreeding and phenotypic plasticity play in the evolution of plant populations.  Research conducted in my lab also directly relates to the need for baseline data that may be utilized to help form successful conservation and restoration management plans for threatened taxa. 

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