Lab Alumni- Past lab members
Dr. Clark Rushing PhD 2014.
'Understanding the Causes and Consequences of Dispersial in Migratory Birds"
Clark is now a post-doctoral researcher at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center with the US Geological Survey
Dr. Kevin Barry PhD 2013.
"Competitive responses of native plant species to neighbor presence, identity and phenology across two growing seasons"
Kevin is now an Teaching Assistant Professor, West Virginia University
Dr. Abby Kula PhD 2012.
"Qualifying context dependent outcomes of the interaction between Silene stellata (caryophyllaceae) and its pollinating seed predator, Hadena ectypa (noctuidae)"
Currently an Assistant professor at Mount Saint Mary's University, Maryland
Dr. Richard Reynolds PhD 2008.
"The role of pollinators as selective agents in the evolution of pollination syndromes among three eastern Northern American sister taxa of Silene"
NIH postdoc in Statistical Genetics at University Birmingham
Richard received a NIH 5 year Career Grant in 2011
Currently a faculty member in the Dept . of Medicine, Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Univ. of Alabama Birmingham
Dr. Scott Ruhren MS 1994. Senior Director of Conservation, Audubon Society of Rhode Island
Dr. Ruhren (PhD Rutgers Univ, NJ)
Alyssa Stewart PhD Spring 2016.
"Old World bat foraging specialization: ecological and evolutionary implications over space and time"
Alyssa is now an Assistant Professor at Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand.
Juannan Zhou PhD Spring 2017.
"Genetic structure of a pollinating seed predator and its specialized host plant, Silene stellata"
Juannan is now a Post Doc with David McCandlish, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Juannan's research was highlighted at the Society for the Study of Evolution annual meeting in Portland Oregon